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This image is of Zeena after marrying the Indian so now she is an Indian Fairy. Image

Once upon a time there was a beautiful fairy named Zeena. She was the only daughter of the Fairy Queen herself. Zeena lived a very good life due to her family supporting her in everything she did. 


Zeena was very popular amongst all of the fairies and many always wanted to play with her. But she loved to roam around by herself out into the forest. Zeena had many secret hideouts in the forest that she would disappear to frequently. The Fairy Queen wanted her daughter to be more like all of the other fairies her age and eventually marry another fairy prince. 


Legend says that on the other side of the forest lives Indians of the Plains village. The Indians lived happily and were never disturbed by any other creatures. The Indians could hunt, fish, and grow their own crops at their own will with no intruders. But at night they would all go into their teepees and the teepees would magically disappear. 


Nobody was ever to actually see the Indian village for themselves but could her their voices hollering every once in a while. Sometimes the fairies would find giant footprints like those of the Indians.


Zeena frequently pondered about the legendary Indian Village and all of the stories that she had heard. One of the stories just happened to be the story of the Happy Land. In this land everyone was always happy and never suffered from sorrow. Zeena longed to be a part of this Happy Land.


Zeena came to believe that this Happy Land was real the Indian Village was part of it. She hoped that one day that she would come across it and be welcomed into it. So Zeena sat down and began to write a song and sang it out into the forest. 


The Fairy Queen had requested that Zeena marry the fairy prince, a man of complete selfishness and incompetence and could only talk of himself. 


Zeena was so angry that she ran off into the woods and sat there for what seemed to be a really long time. Out of the pitch black darkness she saw a tall slender figure who had feathers all over him. Zeena couldn’t believe her eyes and ran frightenly home. 


When she got home she continued to argue with her mom about marrying the fairy prince that she despised. “I want you to marry someone that can take care of you,” said her mom. Zeena replied, “I just want to be happy.” 


Time had passed and Zeena continued to go out into the forest and sing her song, but the day had come for her to get married to the fairy prince. She set out into the forest one last time to say her farewell. 


Time had passed and Zeena did not show up to her wedding and nobody knew of her whereabouts. One day the fairy prince and one of his helpers was out in the forest and heard a familiar voice singing. He looked off and saw Zeena as angelic as ever. Then he saw the Indian standing beside her holding her hand. 


Zeena and the Indian lived happily ever after in the Happy Land.


 Author's Note: The original story is the Fairy Bride. This is the story of an Indian Chief's daughter who loved to wander in the forest and wished of a happy land. There were fairies that lived in the forest they were very mischievous, and she longed to live in that land with them. The girl composed a song and when she sang she heard it echoed back but did not know why. Her mother requested that she marry a hunter that could take care of her, but she despised the way of living for hunters. She held off her mother and long as possible but finally the day came where she must marry the hunter. She went off into the forest to say one last farewell to the happy land that she loved so much. Back at the wedding she never showed, and nobody knew where she went. Later, the hunter went off into the forest to try and find her and he saw her but as a more angelic figure. He also saw a fairy man walking off holding her hand. She got her dreams of being a fairy bride in the happy land.

I kept the story line of the original pretty much the same except for switching the roles of the main characters. I liked the idea of it string out to be mythical and magical. Then the Fairy Queens's daughter going out to marry a human even though Zeena could have continued to live her magical life.

Bibliography: The Fairy Bride, Longfellow. Un-Textbook

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