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This image is of the husband's beloved cat. Karma


Once upon a time a young couple lived in the middle of the forest. They were not the happiest couple and the wife tended to make quite a scene and that is why they had to move. The husband loved his wife but was so tired of her nagging constantly. 

One day the husband was out wandering the forest just looking for some food and supplies as an excuse to get away from his wife. As he was wandering through the forest singing happily he saw a black cat from afar. The cat quickly noticed the man and ran right up to him. The two of them wandered happily through the forest for what seemed like hours until the man realized how long he had been gone and knew that his wife would be angry with him. 

"I must return home now," the man said to the cat.

The man began his journey home, but the cat followed him, and he tried several times to get the cat to stay. The cat did not listen and so he decided to bring the cat home with him. 

When he arrived back at his house his wife was so angry and began to yell at him once more. But when she saw the cat had followed him inside the door she freaked out. The wife tried to throw the cat outside, but the husband would not let her and said that it was their new pet. 

A couple weeks passed by and the wife still despised the cat and had been planning ways to get rid of it. Her time had finally come, because her husband left for work and was to be gone all day. So, the wife grabbed a big knife and attempted to kill the cat, but she missed. The cat ran around the house hissing at the wife while she chased it. Eventually, the cat ran out the door and never looked back.

When the husband returned the wife had told him exactly what had happened, and he was furious. The man stormed out of the house and went to search for his beloved pet. He called for it for hours and he never found it, so he returned home. 

The man continued to search for his beloved cat for several days after it ran away but had no luck. One day he came across a cave. He went inside the cave out of curiosity when he saw a tunnel that opened up to a beautiful garden with a small little shack. 

He saw a maiden standing there and when she noticed him she invited him to come inside. The maiden confessed to the man that she was indeed the cat that the man had been searching for. The man was so relieved to have finally found his beloved pet. 

The two sat and conversed for hours and never even thought of the man's wife until the maiden had mentioned her. The man felt so bad because he never even thought of returning home to her, but the maiden convinced him to return home to his wife. 

"If in a week you want to return to the cave you would be welcome," said the cat to the man. 

The man returned and of course the wife nagged him for days and realized that he was so unhappy. After a week went by he packed up his belongings and told the wife he was leaving. He also told her that he had found his beloved cat and that he was going to live with her and that the wife would never see him again. 

After he left, the wife was in complete despair and got what she had coming for her for all the years of being mean to her husband. 

Author's Note: In the original story, The Sparrow with the Slit Tongue, a man and his greedy and envious wife lived in the forest. One day the man saved a sparrow and decided to keep it as his pet, but the woman was so envious and hated the sparrow. So, when the man left one day she finally got the opportunity to punish the sparrow. The woman grabbed her broom and swung at the bird several times, but it finally escaped and flew out of the door. When the man returned the wife told him what had happened, and he was enraged and went off searching for his friend. He searched every day for several days but had no luck. He went out searching one day and ventured off into a bamboo field where in the middle of it he saw a beautiful garden and house with a maiden outside. The maiden invited him in and was excited that her old friend had found her, and she explained to him that she was the sparrow. In gratitude for the man saving her life she gave him the choice to choose between a small and a large chest. The man chose the small chest and started home. When he returned home the wife was so angry and interrogated him. He showed her the chest and opened it and it was heaping with jewels and he told her that he had found his old friend and what had happened. She was enraged again and went to the maiden's house to obtain the other chest because she felt that she deserved it. The wife carried the large chest all the way home and when she opened the chest it was full of venomous snakes that injected poison into her veins. She died and no man was upset.

For my story I wanted to keep the same kind of plot up until the ending. I feel that the best punishment is having to be alone and just think about and recall the things that you have done. I felt as if the wife deserved to live alone for treating her husband the way that she did. I name the cat Karma because karma will always come back and give you what you deserve. 

Bibliography: The Sparrow with the Slit Tongue, Andrew Lang, Un-Textbook

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